in photograph •  8 years ago  (edited)

As I had my morning coffee, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. It is another beautiful day! As I considered posting today, I knew the flowers I photographed recently would be perfect on this pleasant Saturday morning.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends

Which blossom is your favorite?
Please let me know in the comments.

All original to Paradise-Found
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Ahhh all so beautiful !! My favorite ones have to be the pink and white ones and also the 3rd to last yellow ones .

Thank you Farwa my friend!! Good choices, they are beautiful!!


All shots are good.

I like Daisy here, and for sure two color Petunie is real deal beauty :)

Thanks so much my friend! Good choices, they are very beautiful indeed!!

the sixth! nice flowers! UPVOTE and Follow. For crazy an uncobnventional Pics check my Profile.... i start loading up pics in the next days!

Thank you for visiting! They are beautiful, good choice!!

It is indeed a beautiful morning @paradise-found . The shots are all gorgeous and the colors "pop" on them. I'm not plant knowledgeable, so I'm not sure if the name is correct, but I love the yellow lily with the flies on them. The photo closeup is so clear that you can see the whole body of the small fly.

Thank you for your kind comments my friend!! Yes, you selection is beautiful!! Good choice!!

follow and vote me . i will do same

I really like those pink and white flowers @paradise-found