Supermacro: different kinds of wools and natural textiles (~2X magnification)

in photography •  5 years ago 

Trying to get creative with photography while being unable to leave home, I realised that I never tried my macro extension tubes on an actual macro lens (had bought them to use on a standard zoom lens and figured I wouldn't need them after buying a macro lens). I was surprised to find that it worked very well and allowed a magnification ratio quite more dramatic than 1:1.

So I tried it on some scarves I have who have interesting textiles (and on other subjects which I'll share in later posts).

Flax-linen scarf:


An alpaca wool scarf my friend made me:



Thick merino wool scarf:

Silk scarf (significantly cropped; the fibers are much smaller than wool):

Yak wool scarf:

Yes, I have too many scarfs (useful though for Canada's wide range of temperatures).

The beastly look my camera had with the extension tubes and ring flash:

The camera is a Sony a77 and the lens a 90mm Tamron f/2.8 macro.

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so you had a day of сomparative whool sciences today?


cool. the last foto added a lot to it!

ps. yak whool probably looks like my fave! and alpaka. (I have alpaka's plaid my wife gifted me on a b-day. best gift in ages!)