Kuwait Magic and People in the seaside....^^steemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Good morning my friends....^^

며칠전 쿠웨이트 매직에 다녀왔습니다.
바닷가 옆에 있어서 밤이 되면 선선한 바람도 붑니다.
가족들과 즐거운 시간을 보내는 사람들이 많네요....^^
A few days ago, I went to Kuwait Magic with my wife.
It is located near the seaside and there is a breezy wind in the night.
There are many people who have fun with their family .... ^^



낙타와 마차를 타는 아이들의 모습이 즐거워 보입니다....^^
The children are riding a camel and girl and babies are on a wagon.
They look so happy....^^


바닷가에 홀로 있는 여인도 보이네요.
가족들과 모여 앉아 준비해온 음식을 먹는 사람들이 많습니다.
아이들은 모래놀이에 시간가는 줄 모릅니다....^^
A woman alone on the beach.
Many people gather with their families and eat the food they have prepared.
The children are enjoying sand play .... ^^


I hope you enjoy it....^^
Have a nice day...^^

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Great place!

Beautiful pictures @abdullar.

Amazing Kuwait ! Thank you @abdullar !!

this looks great, wow

What a wonderful atmosphere for the family to enjoy a night out.

The little house in the first 2 shots look so fairy tale like.

압둘라님의 글을 보며 쿠웨이트에도 바다가 있음을 알았습니다.
마치 강남에 에 살고 있다면 모두 강남 서초 송파만 생각하듯이 저도 쿠웨이트는 모두 사막지역이라고 생각하는 우를 범하고 있었는데 ^^

이리 압둘라님의 사진을 보니 쿠웨이트도 무척 더운 날씨이겠지만 멋질것 같다는 생각을 하니 꼭 한번 가보고 싶네요. ^^

Sounds like fun

Smart, you are very smart to make a post, I always follow you and the results are perfect.

Keep it @abdullar maybe i can learn from your way.

Nice view my brother....

Thanks for sharing. Is it allowed for non-muslim women to wear her hair open?

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Nice place

Oh, what a beautiful trip! I also want to go!

Beautiful pictures dear friend @abdullar, congratulations on the excellent capture

Unbelievably beautiful. ))

Wow!!! :D Beautiful pictures upvoted and followed my friend this is awesome

아름다운 곳이군요.
즐거운 휴일 도세요^^