The King
Tyrannosaurus Rex The Most Fearsome Land Dweller
The woman in the photo would barely make a snack for this giant.
Dimetrodon is often mistaken for a dinosaur or as a contemporary of dinosaurs in popular culture, but it became extinct some 40 million years before the first appearance of dinosaurs.
Reptile-like in appearance and physiology, Dimetrodon is nevertheless more closely related to mammals than to modern reptiles, though it is not a direct ancestor of mammals.
This guy has always been one of my favorites!
This is the right hind limb of the Camarasaurus which lived from about 155 - 145 million years ago.
I can't even imagine an animal with a leg bone this size. It must have been huge!
A depiction of the Camarasaurus
A Giant Turd?
No. My mistake. A closer look reveals a piece of petrified wood.
This is a prehistoric horse that lived long after the dinosaurs. Smaller than modern horse
A cat from the Oligocene
33.9 million to 23 million years ago.
Got some nasty looking fangs!
An extinct Rhino - Didn't make it.
Extinct Elephant - Didn't make it
Skull of the Giant Bison.
The skulls below are modern Bison
These were Big Brutes!
The Dire Wolf
A Quick Trip Through The Gift Shop.
A nice colored Geode
This is a wall as you enter and leave.
I have always liked this wall. I think it has some meaning to it. I see everyone supporting each other no matter their differences.
What do you see?
Off To See The Suspension Bridge across the Red Deer River
A few Hoodoos along the way.
Here we are!
The Star Mine Suspension Bridge is a 117 metre long (about 383.858268 foot) pedestrian suspension bridge across the Red Deer River
Picked up a souvenir at the museum.
$19.00 plus tax. For a rock!
And it was broken!
Our very own Geode!
Wow, I didn't realize how long this has taken me.
Sorry for the delay.