Deadvlei in Namibia

in photography •  7 years ago 

I visited Sossusvlei in Namibia in 2010. The most memorable experience of this sightseeing trip was walking onto the Deadvlei - being a marsh that has looong since dried out. The ambient temperature must have been approximately 40 degrees Celsius at 12 noon.

Not ever have I heard "silence" as I did that day. There was wind.... no sound of birds... or insects....nothing. For 10 minutes I merely stood in awe - and finally, there was a slight buzzing as an insect passed by, accompanied by the sound of a very gentle breeze. I experienced being part of a different world - incredible.Dooie Vlei2.jpgDooie Vlei.jpgDead Vlei.jpg

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I can imagine how magical it must be at night

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Indeed. You can't get to the Vlei at night as it is in a reserve, but you can stay just outside the reserve in one of the hotels/luxury camp sites - and you get to hear all the night noises.Desert Camp.jpg