Gor cunda is a place or gedong that is often used to hold events that various events such as the party of the bridal party, gor cunda rented millions of rupiah by the community
It is rented out by the capable people who are more fortunate, the term is that many people say rich, whereas the less fortunate people only hold events at home only
here appears to have a fan that the temperature is angen air conditioner, although the existence of the Ac room is still renting the fan for Rp. 250.000 for the convenience of honorable guests, because given the available Ac less tray caused by the guests who come to visit many brides to congratulate
the rented fan is placed outside because it is too hot, the weather is very hot with the fan that visitors feel more safe tasting food tasting variety of food, best friends if there is a party event all kinds can rent the fan, this fan it has been filled with water and ice to make the guests more comfortable, cool to taste