Potaissa Roman Castrum - built in the year 168 - Romania

in photography •  6 years ago 


Turda, Romania, is a great place to visit is you are interested in seeing a Roman Castrum and it's free to visit at any time. The Roman castrum Potaissa , belonged to Macedonian 5 Legion, and was built in the year 168. 

 The building of the command staff, Prinicpia, is located at the intersection of the two main roads of the Castrum: Via Principalis and Via Praetoria. 

It is the largest Roman edifice found in the province of Dacia and one of the largest military headquarters buildings in the Roman Empire. The Principia has a rectangular shape (125 x 72) and covers an area of 0,89 hectars. 

The entrance into the Principia was through a monumental triumphal arch, with three passageways. 

There were 14 rooms displayed on each side and they provided storage room for the weaponry. The rooms flanking the entrance were used as offices, as well as storage rooms for the amphorae containing import oil.

 A basilica was located in the western part of the Principia. The entire complex closed off in the west with a suite of rooms. The fortress shrine and repository of the legionary standards stood in the middle of the Principia. 

The basement of the shrine held the treasury room, aerarium, where the Roman soldiers would deposit their pay. 

Stay tuned for part two of this exploration into the world of a Roman Castrum !

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ruine asemanatoare se afla si la Cetatea Enisala, in Dobrogea! Nu stiu cum era in trecut, dar sigur aveau tehnici si metode bune de aparare pentru acea vreme!

Nu am auzit de Cetatea Enisala, dar dupa poze pare un loc interesant de vizitat.

Este cu siguranta! iar in preajma ai o multime de locuri de vizitat!

Very interesting the history behind that place, as you i like to know the past of places because you can learn many things about culture and touch the history of humans. Regards

What is really impressive it is that it's from 168 and the first archaeological excavation was only in 1958.

Nu stiam ca ruinele castrului din Turda se vad asa de bine si sunt panouri care sa explice arhitectura unui castru. Cel din Gilau de exemplu e destul de greu de gasit si nu are panouri explicative.
Poate ca ai mai auzit de @steemromania, dar avem un proiect interesant acolo ce implica si promovarea istoriei Romaniei printre altele si am aprecia foarte mult feedback si ajutor la crearea posturilor ( poze, informatii, etc). Avem si canal de discord si ma gasesti si acolo :)

Nu am vizitat castrul din Gilau; am vazut ceva articol de steemromania, dar nu stiam ca se ocupa cu promovarea istoriei Romaniei. Este o idee frumoasa si o sa incerc si eu sa postez mai multe articole pe acest subiect. Nu am intrat niciodata pe disord; am creat canalul #romania dar nici acolo nu mai postez. Daca ai ceva intrebari te ajut cu placere daca este ceva ce stiu.

Intrebari deocamdata nu am dar orice ajutor e binevenit, mai ales upvoturi pentru articole fiindca rewards-urile merg in contul steemromania care sustine la randul ei comunitatea cu upvoturi. Plus de asta ne straduim sa facem niste articole ca lumea. Acuma lucram la articole pentru in care vom descrie regiunile istorice ale Romaniei.

thankyou sir

It just boggles my already boggled mind, that these areas are still 'there', after so many years. And that it took that long to study it. Fascinating to think guys (probably mainly) ran all over the place, doing their thing, that long ago. Looking forward to part II.

It is a fascinating thing! It makes me wonder how many more things haven't been discovered :)

So true. Probably more than we could ever know. Keeps life interesting, that's for sure.