The best advice in my life.

in photography •  6 years ago 

The best advice in my life.

I got it from a woman artist much older than me.

I was then twenty with something, I complained to her that I do not have time to do creativity: I have three works, life is horrible as complicated, I live with a bunch of neighbors, I have a lot to do, I want to write peacefully and that I do not distracted, but time is always short. She listened to me, paused and asked:

"What are you ready to give up to live the life you are supposedly dreaming of?"

The key word was "supposedly".

Everything inside me reacted. I was terribly offended. What does it mean "supposedly dreaming"? I? Everyone knows that writing for me is the most important thing in life.

She said: "Why do you pretend that writing is the most important thing in life, if all your life belongs to other things and goals?"

While I was breathing, she again attacked:

"Let's say you have three jobs. And what is your favorite show called? "

The Sopranos Clan

"From today you cancel the subscription to cable TV. It turns out that you have time to follow the life of the Sopranos, but do not have time to live your own? "

I was silent.

"What bar do you go to friends with?" Forget its name. What is your favorite magazine? Everything, you do not read it anymore. "

I like her advice. They have no illusion called "you can get everything you want." Can not. What you do every day makes up your life. If your dream does not have a place in your daily life, then there is something more important.

The only way to understand yourself is to stop deceiving yourself. In twenty-four hours. What is important to me, and what is not? Only by answering this question can you save time and energy in order to become someone. To become yourself. (source of text) My translation

Лучший совет в моей жизни. 

Я получила его от женщины-художника намного старше меня. 

Мне тогда было двадцать с чем-то, я жаловалась ей на то, что не успеваю заниматься творчеством: у меня три работы, жизнь жуть как сложна, я живу с кучей соседей, у меня масса дел, я хочу спокойно писать и чтобы меня не отвлекали, но времени вечно не хватает. Она выслушала меня, помолчала и спросила: 

«От чего ты готова отказаться, чтобы жить той жизнью, о которой якобы мечтаешь?». 

Ключевым оказалось слово «якобы». 

Всё внутри меня среагировало. Я страшно оскорбилась. Что значит «якобы мечтаю»? Я? Всем известно, что писательство для меня — самая важная вещь в жизни. 

Она сказала: «Почему ты делаешь вид, что писательство — самая важная ведь в жизни, если вся твоя жизнь принадлежит другим делам и целям?». 

Пока я переводила дух, она снова атаковала: 

«Допустим, у тебя три работы. А как называется твой любимый сериал?» 

«Клан Сопрано» 

«С сегодняшнего дня ты отменяешь подписку на кабельное ТВ. Выходит, у тебя есть время следить за жизнью клана Сопрано, но нет времени на то, чтобы жить свою?». 

Я молчала. 

«В какой бар вы ходите с друзьями? Забудь его название. Какой у тебя любимый журнал? Всё, ты больше его не читаешь». 

Мне нравятся её советы. В них нет иллюзии под названием «ты можешь получить всё, что захочешь». Не можешь. То, что ты делаешь каждый день, составляет твою жизнь. Если твоей мечте нет места в твоей ежедневности, значит, есть что-то поважнее. 

Единственный способ разобраться в себе — это перестать себя обманывать. В сутках двадцать четыре часа. Что для меня важно, а что — нет? Только ответив на этот вопрос, можно накопить время и силы на то, чтобы стать кем-то. Чтобы стать собой. (source of text)

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Be what you are and be content of what you have is one of the key to be happy and most of all acknowledge the One who created our being.

keep my friend's spirit @ andirianna.heppy with all the spirit.cita mu and all your dreams will tercapai.sukses always for you kawan.semangat from me @pengenkaya for my friend @ andrianna


Thanks for sharing such type of advice.....
Hello @andrianna
Happy steeming....

hmm... looks like that advise can be apply world wide... It;s a good advice... and I must definitely have to say.... you are gorgeous...

Can women carry guns to keep them safe from abuse? Can women open up safe houses to help women get away from bad people? Can women learn how to become stronger for self-defense? Can we encourage women to speak up more and to run away from bad places towards a safe house, a church, a program, or something? It is all about raising awareness of problems. I worked with The Salvation Army who help many women in many countries for many decades now. Other people are helping women too in many countries around the world. There is some help. Some women are learning how to make better choices. Many women learn a lot from the videos of

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The best advice in my life.
I got it from a woman artist much older than me.
I was then twenty with something, I complained to her that I do not have time to do creativity: I have three works, life is horrible as complicated, I live with a bunch of neighbors, I have a lot to do, I want to write peacefully and that I do not distracted, but time is always short. She listened to me, paused and asked:
"What are you ready to give up to live the life you are supposedly dreaming of?"
The key word was "supposedly".

Advice is really helpful cause you meant feel what you are doing is right but when you venture into it you then realize someone warn you not to do such thing.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

i have a say @adrianna

sometimes the life that you complain about is the life that other people dream of

being yourself is more powerful and very helpful in living life. every thing begins with a dream and comes true

no no with dreams, with patience and practice! You can achieve success only through work! but to dream is not harmful

the dream I mean is "ideals" without any ideals we will have no direction and purpose, be patient in doing a good job and going to the step of success

for the person doing the activity because of the break then the 24 hour time is very long. while the person who loves his work or work, the time is very short 24 hours. it's hard to share. your photos are very beautiful

Thank you!

Life is a gift, when we are full of the conviction and sincerity of the meaning and meaning of life, let them fight with their opinions, even that will not change the circumstances, enjoy every second of life and start doing it for a pleasure, . Remember every business will never turn away from results

very nice and pretty you, I really like your photography friend

many thanks!

a very remarkable story, success always for @andrianna..

many thanks!

So true. With all the things to choose from and all the possible distractions from "real-life" this is more important adive than ever.

She spoke wise words. We wish for one thing while spending our lives pursuing others. Our actions show us exactly where our priorities lay. Thanks for sharing.