in photography •  7 years ago 

For the sake of fulfilling the needs of the hereafter, then while swinging the children does not matter to them ... so enthusiastic woman in one of the villages located in the city of lhokseumawe-Aceh in searching and deepening their religious knowledge

Demanding the science of religion in Islamic law is mandatory "But not mandatory smart" that must only I want it, if the smart law in fardukan, it will be unfair, because when not smart will sin. (intelligent in the sense of more than can), equal to the effort (effort) law is mandatory but not in fardukan for rich if in fardukan pity poor (sin). Means the point is to be smart or rich is important to try lillahi ta'ala.
What science should be demanded? according to islam
From this hadith we gain the understanding that Islam requires its adherents to be knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowing all the benefits and the way of exploiting, the nature of nature, can review and analyze all experiences found by past people, whether related to Aqo'id and worship, both related to mundane questions and all the necessities of life.

In the Qur'an of Allah
-بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
• يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قيل لكم تفسحوا في المجالس فافسحوا يفسح الله لكم وإذاقيل انشزوافانشزوا يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين اوتو العلم درجت والله بما تعملون خبير
"O ye who believe! When it is said to you," Give the spaciousness in the assembly, then lay it down, surely Allah will give the field for you. And when it is said that you stand, then stand up, Allah will raise the degree of those who believe among you and those who have knowledge of some degree. "(Q.S Al-Muj is verse 11

Mujadalah verse 11

وما كان من المؤمنون لينفر كافة فلولانفرمن كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوأ فى الدين ولينذروا قومهم اذأ رجعو اليهم لعلهم يحذرون

mso-margin-top-alt: auto; tab-stops: 489.05pt 503.25pt; "And it is not fitting that the believers all go to war, why some of them do not go to deepen their religious knowledge and to warn their people when they have returned, that they may guard themselves "QS At-Taubah verse: 122
From verse 1 above, it is clear that studying is a direct command of God. because the person who studies will be raised by God some degree, while the 2nd verse explains that it is required to study the religion and the position of the person who studies must be able to be a reminder for people who do not know the problem of religion and able to keep themselves from things could plunge into the valley of shame.
Dalil Hadith:
Many hadith that explains the command of obligation to study science such as the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah

عن انس ابن مالك قل قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم طلب العلم فريضة العربية
"From Anas bin Malik he said, Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Looking for knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, giving knowledge to people who are not experts such as people who pigs with gems, pearls, or gold" HR.Ibnu Majah

 From the above hadith contains the sense, that seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim, the obligation is applicable for men and women, children and adults and there is no reason to lazy to seek knowledge. The science that must be known by settiap Muslim is the sciences related to the ordinance of worship to Allah SWT. While worship without knowledge will lead to wrong mistakes and worship will not be acceptable to God. As for those who teach knowledge to people who do not know or do not understand it will be in vain. That is, the science must be submitted in accordance with the level of thinking of the recipient of science, giving science is not exactly likened to jewelry in pigs, even though pigs are given gold jewelry jewelry pigs remain dirty and disgusting.

Abu Lam Tapa

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