Infinite~A Poem

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

I wore your kisses
Around my waist
Like a chain of gold
Beautifully placed
With every stride
I can feel your hand
Rest easily
On my swaying hip
With agile eyes
You undress me
Seduce me
While on your knees
Stockings slip
Stilettos slide off
And promises are made
With every murmur
Behind the ear
I know there was always
A forever
With you

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Maria Yotta

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I swear I'm going to commission @artwatch to stitch these photos all together to make a composite😂

I like this poem a lot, but I had to read it a few times, I think you left the 'r' off rear.

You’re gonna get your ear with an r beat by the misses lol jk
I have fun taking these pics and I truly enjoy writing so it makes me happy others enjoy my musings! When I was younger I wanted to be a writer of sorts leaning towards erotica like Anais Nin.
I guess we are all published and paid writers if you really think about it now💜☺️
Thank you Steemit!

I've made more writing here than anywhere else😄😁😢
The Mrs. Is fine with me flirting, she knows I'm all hers to deal with😆

I know, I know I was just pulling your chain. We are all a bunch of deviant money making artists what else can the world expect lol

Pero cómo pretendes que nos paremos a leer el poema así? 😂😂😂

I maintain that effective poetry provides images and sensation you feel trickle through your lips down your spine to whatever body part is referenced in the words your eyes gorge on.

Your poem excites me while reading it. I shiver feeling the gold chain buckling around my hip bones, and not accustomed to it yet imagining the cold (it isn't really) on my belly, and small of my back. But they are his kisses there. Oh man, oh wow.

I sigh like the caricature of girls in old movies where they clutch their chest and swoon.

Every line drags me further down the page to read more, feeling "every stride" comfortable with a guiding hand on my waist, and the casual look over undressing me. I see myself in this poem, I am the speaker, and he is whoever I want him to be; the idealized masculine like a volcano ever ready to blow, but only for me when we erupt together.

This part was tantalizing; it puzzled me in a way that I went back to it three times to imagine it

Seduce me
While on your knees

I think these two lines connect the undressing eyes, and the service before the speaker taking stockings and stilettos off. I even read it as "seduce me while on your knees" like between my legs in a reversal of when I'm on my knees before him.

Is there something special to you about breath behind the ear? about promises spoken through whispered love and action? I believe this is a recurring image for your writing. Is it the secret words of affection personal and true to you and your lover that "behind the ear" evokes?

Awesome poem. Please continue writing. You're a favorite; sensual, image laden, and erotic.

I see you caught that! Yes, we have a thing where we whisper things into each others ears quietly, either in public or behind closed doors. Little promises of what awaits, silly inside jokes, promises of forever.....

Thi is such a deep and great poem =)
Thank you for sharing with us @artedellavita


Thank you!

I would like to share this with my better half my girl frnd this poem has a true meaning and love intimacy and much much inside it which will no doubt make a love life more special for ages it has a great meaning and love associated with it... Love your work keep sharing much of this kind of poems

Thank you once again, I appreciate you stopping by.

You never need more than 5 words each rhyme to knock us over ^^ And that swimsuit... 😵

I’m blushing haha
Thank you :)

I'm so glad I follow you 😍😍😍😍 👌✨

very deep. It's been a long time. All the events, his intelligence makes you comfortable is clear from the words you use. You are missing.

wow....excellent hot sexy photo..
thanks for sharing..
dear #artedellavita

Lovely poem, I can be reading it every day if i have the oppotunity.keep it up

Thank you!

Wow, Romantic poem, Love it. :)