People In My Neighborhood

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was at the gas station the other evening and this sweet gentleman said he had something to say to me I needed to record.
And record I did!
I was not expecting what he was going to say but it was super cute and although I beg to differ, it really made my day!
I actually bumped into him one more time just recently and he said the exact same thing haha

Sometimes it’s the unexpected that can make, or break, your day.

Have you ever been compared to a celebrity?

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OMG awesome.

He was so sweet! I don’t think I look like her but it really made my day

nice... princess :)

Yes, everytime I see him he says the same thing lol

jajja, en serio??? eso es un piropo muy muy alagador... eso tiene mucho nivel... jejeje

Casa vez q me topo con el dice lo mismo haha yo no creo q me parezco pero se siente lindo q the alaguen

hahaha ^^ Or maybe... SHE looks like YOU ^^

Haha could be that too lol
Happy Friday to you!

Compliments are good. Some are not graceful enough to accept them so it's good of you to allow it. Now you have a potential costume for the next cos event.

I will never understand those who cannot accept compliments, after a tough past couple of weeks this made my day! And yes, I was thinking of being her with my dogs dressed as dragons lol

That would be a sight to see! Mini dragons...

It would be awesome to have some dragons.

It totally would!

what a compliment. I think you made his day too!

Well he made my day as well, it’s been a tough couple of weeks and this gesture was super sweet!

That is super cute.

Totally! He was such a sweetheart!

Wow! This is awesome. That would make my day too! Sometimes a random act makes the day sing!