I've always marveled at how people in the past got things done. They had so many less options when it cam to tools and transport yet somehow people built huge structures, castles and cities. When you think about it every part of a building needs to be transported to the building site. Horses where the most popular methods of transport but I've uncovered some old photos of interest. People in the past tried just about every animal to help with the work.
Take a look:
Dogs also used to pull sleds in the north.
Bison / Buffalo , they are very violent animals so I'm surprised this worked.
Large breed horses have been used worldwide. Above a cop poses for a photo with some workers.
Here a steer pulls a cart in this local Canadian Photo.
This is the photo that inspired the whole train of thought... Turkeys pulling a child.
Last but not least - The "Workhorse" did most of the heavy lifting.
Thanks for checking out my historical look at transportation :-)