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Spectacular water.
Reflection is paramount. It makes you believe otherwise.


i hope its not ps because it looks amazing

Looks so peaceful. Something to aspire to.

Like it’s floating but not on water

like a photoshop :)) but ıt is from drone :D

Wow! Would love to be in that water !!! Lolor in that boat

This look very cool.

big thanx bro u vote me ...........

Best photgraphy

There are tons of this kinda photos, just google it.

Tons of boats chartered by a ghost and ghost crew? What happened to the crew?! -insert some twilight zone theme music here

That's pretty cool.

It was a flying boat just taking off

Somebody with more skill than me should photoshop this into a picture of a swimming pool somehow. It would enhance the optical illusion that makes this boat look like a toy. But maybe that's just me.