Yosemite Landscape

in photography •  9 years ago 

I captured this stunning Yosemite backdrop when I went there for the first time in 2013.

more to come...

Photograph by @BangKing

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You can view the full size image by right click on the image and choose "open image in new tab" (Chrome).

is this real? is YES then it is absolutely beautiful. How about thinking of auctioning it? who knows it might make you some really good bucks!!! goodluck

Yes, it's real.

Please take some more pictures. This looks really beautiful and I will likely never get to visit :/

I will post more later.

Beautiful photo. Thank you. The majestic mountains

thank you!

Very nice picture! I was there in 2014 when I travelled around the world! I remember the waterfalls and the steep mountains! A "must place" to visit!


Take a look at my new post, my photos from New Zealand!

This is great!

thank you.