One Picture / One Word / BIGFOOT

in photography •  8 years ago 


About five years ago I was on a vacation with friends. We had rented a house in Montana near Yellowstone national Park. I took lots of pictures but didn't look at them too closely. In fact, it wasn't until just the other day that I got them out to take a better look.

Wow, what a surprise! Suddenly I saw something I missed when I first flipped through these pictures- A BIGFOOT! He must have been smelling the burgers we were cooking. Thank goodness he didn't come closer or I am sure we would have all died of heart attaches.

NOTE: OK, I know you are saying Beginningtoend is using his photoshops skills to trick us; all I can say is, how can I photoshop something that isn't even suppose to exist?

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Seeing Bigfoot is always fun, until he asks for tree fiddy, that's when you know things are taking a dark turn.

I thought "tree fiddy" was only for Nessie.

Well, it was about that time that I noticed that Bigfoot was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era.

He's taking a break from hanging out with @papa-pepper

This is stunning. Don't you just love it when mythical creatures come over to the dark-side??

I love how this Bigfoot is just casually strolling through the meadow there, singing to himself "I'm Coming Out."

It was a nice day for a stroll.