Beautiful Flowers that Have Many Benefits

in photography •  7 years ago 


It turns out that behind the beautiful and charming color, almost all parts of the hibiscus flower are very useful for treatment. Starting from the bottom, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and flower petals are very useful for health.

In the hibiscus section contains gossy peptin anthocyanins and glucoside hibiscin which have diuretic and choleretic effects to facilitate blood circulation, prevent high blood pressure and also function as a powerful drug tonic.

Acidic animo found in hibiscus flowers plays an important role for the body's rejuvenation process, while for roots and leaves it contains Calcium oxalate, peroxidase, fat and protein. Approximately 15-30 percent of the shoe plant consists of several plant acids. Among them are citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and allo hydroxycitric latcone acid.

Hibiscus flowers have now been known by the wider community, so that it has been widely available in the market with instant packaging, one of which is a tea basket made from hibiscus flowers. Simply by brewing it, the tea can be drunk.

Some of the benefits of this tea is that it can cure fever, make the heart feel calmer, lose weight and remove toxins in the body.

In the world of beauty, the extracts of tea bungan shoes are highly trusted to maintain skin health. Some other diseases can also be cured such as cough, canker sores, mumps, bronchitis, headaches and gonorhoe.

Follow me @Boyacun

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cantik nian bunga ciptaan yang kuasa untuk makhluknya.

iya,bunga yang memiliki banyak manfaat @idalaili1974

Pat pcc nyak

na di pasie lancok nyo cek..hehe

Daerah teuh
Bk keude soe

bak cafe tokelah,yang paleng ujoeng yg na kursi orange cek..

Rqb qbeuh batee peu?

Lewat keude apless ny3uh ?

nye cek,droeneu pat?