Lighthouses Around Yehliu Geopark | Travel Photography

in photography •  5 years ago 

A man fishing on the jetty nearby

My wife and I absolutely loved the formations of these man-made concrete blocks

A fisherman tests his luck in the distance

I took these images during our recent trip to the Yehliu Geopark near New Taipei City, Taiwan. My wife and I were enamored with the jetty block formations. I also fell in love with the color of the sea. As you can see, it was this bright vibrant greenish blue. I could only image the type of fish that were swimming in the sea. We saw a few people near the park fishing with handheld nets and they actually caught a puffer fish. I hope they brought it home to eat and didn't just catch it because it was there.

Here is a map of the area these photos were taken in:

Annotation 2020-04-29 075052.jpg

Location | New Taipei City, Taiwan
Camera | Canon 5D Mark III

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