Darkroom Photography #002, by Brock Springstead

in photography •  7 years ago 


Experiment in darkroom photography from back in 2006'ish.

The story behind this photograph is that it was taken deep in the woods, in a section of the forest that my brother and myself spent many hours in. Over the years, together we had made trails for hiking/biking, groomed the forest floor of debris and cleaned up the trash dumped here from old abandoned farmhouses.

The forest was separated by a natural ravine, with a creek that ran through it. In the spring, the current was very strong through here from the snow melt run off from the surrounding fields - thus we decided to build several bridges at different points in the forest to be able to cross the creek. Over one summer we built this bridge(as well as three others) by hand between the two of us, always using nearby trees that had fallen over in the ravine from erosion. All the planks came from the limbs of these trees that we sawed to length. Although somewhat sketchy due to the lack of any nails (we intended for it to be completely natural so that they would eventually deteriorate completely without leaving a trace) it was extremely strong and the majority of them lasted for many years.

It's impossible to look at this photograph without copious amounts of memories from my childhood flooding my mind. I often wonder if anyone took up caring for these woods, and if I went back, would I recognize anything? -or would I find a completely overgrown and foreign place? One day, I'll find out.

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