VENUS: Photographic project of nudes and boudoir

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemians! Today I bring you the result of a photographic project that since my beginnings I really wanted to be able to achieve, in this project my love for this style that is artistic nudity and bodouir is reflected. It also reflects my vision and my style when trying to highlight all female beauty that is in front of my lens.

I will start from the beginning. Since my beginnings in photography this photographic style has caught my attention not only because of how beautiful it can be, but my great love for it is in what it represents. In the beginnings of photography this style was totally repressed, society was inhibited and taboo turned the simple beauty of the naked body, this was somewhat ironic because this style began with photographers trying to recreate poses and scenarios that were embodied in paintings of world-acclaimed painters in the world of the arts. Why is it okay to have a naked body painted, but taking it to photography is wrong?

The photography of nudes began between the years 1840 and 1849, remember that for this time the society was very conservative and we can say that macho, even machista ideas were those that governed the social behavior between the groups and dictated what was good and what it was wrong. Photographers who ventured in this style ran the risk that the artistic community would put them aside and brand them with words of disapproval which could end with careers which only wanted to seek difference and almost perfect beauty. The repression was so great that a character like the great French photographer Jacques Antoine Moulin was imprisoned and put on trial for his nudes, which led to the distribution of his works clandestinely.

It was not until the beginning of the nineteenth century that the photography of nudes began to take into account, in the 30s and some galleries presented works of nudes and gave credit to their authors. From this point, this style began to take shape and each photographer tried to give his own touch, from the deformation of the human body, to the work with shadows and different perspectives, each photographer integrated a unique feature that with time photographers from everyone tried to replicate or be inspired by previous works, however there was still some resistance with this "movement", conservative groups and people who saw this as mere pornography still insisted on giving an end to this type of art, these fights and disagreements produced many opinions that defamed or supported the expression of the naked body in a photograph and had to come the hippie movement of the 60s so that the liberation of sexuality was already a fact. This movement created more open minds and they managed to conceive that art as something beautiful, the sexuality of men and women were in full development and as I said before liberation.

After this the nudity was not so much criticized and even became a promotional tool, the nudity had become fashionable and a high exponent of this was the creation and sale of the Playboy magazine, for many this was the exact moment that I shot nude photography to something else, or rather to what we have today.

Currently the society revolves around sexuality, artists revolutionized this style and as a result of this we can already see a girl naked or in underwear even in a television commercial, let's say something that was previously invisible and simply became something daily.

However, currently something is happening, as a photographer and creator of audiovisual content the ways to reach the public are mainly social networks and from a time here is seeing a great censorship by platforms such as Instagram, which simply does not they let this type of content circulate or be seen by an audience that wants to see these things. This is a problem that photographers from all over the world are having, but sometimes great characters with many followers or rather "public" do not have these problems of censorship, this generates questions like if I do not have so many followers you will not let me share my art vision? Or do I need to censor my photos and hide the nipples or the entire breast so you can let me publish? From these questions came my project for steemit, for you.

I called my project "VENUS" because in it I wanted to reflect the beauty of the female silhouette, I wanted to show that you can put aside all the carnal and only see the sensuality at its best. Not because a woman is naked has to be vulgar, it can be beautiful, it can express ideals and feelings, it can be simply ART. Take as reference for this idea my greatest inspiration in the photographic world, his name is Santiago Pérez Grovas (@santiagopgm), he is a Mexican photographer and architect and his style when photographing his models is very subtle, using natural light and a Very beautiful high key returns your photos works of art, in each photo you can feel an incredible energy and impressive comfort. His main job is to photograph women either naked or in underwear, his style and imagination have led him to become one of the most famous photographers in Latin America and an inspiration for many.

I am inspired to achieve this project and give it my personal touch, my photographs as well as the are based on simple natural lighting and play with things around me, I love playing with shadows and low keys that highlight the silhouette and contours, for me This style is much more than what is seen, for me it is a lifestyle and something extremely beautiful.

Without more nothing to say here I leave my project, my favorite photos in what I have been a photographer and my personal inspiration.


Each photograph is from my author, with a Nikon D3000 camera with an 18-55 mm lens.

¡Thank you!

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