Pan Your Camera For Abstract Landscape, how to ?

in photography •  9 years ago 

1. Be bold
Look  for a location with large, strongly-coloured features. Small details  and subtle textures will be lost in the blur, so you can’t approach  these images in the same way you would a normal landscape photograph. We  found that the rolling green fields of Solsbury Hill in Somerset gave  us flashes of colour, with textured lines from the panning motion.    

2. Go panoramic
The  best type of tripod head for this technique is one with a vertical  locking feature, so it can pan sideways, but won’t tilt up and down – a  three-way head or a dedicated panoramic head is ideal. If you’ve got a  ball head, you can lock the head off and loosen the column nut, so you  can still pan left and right. You can even shoot handheld at a push.    

3. Slow down
Shutter  speeds of between one and four seconds tend to give the best results.  Try to pan slowly and smoothly, and keep the camera moving in one  direction to make it look like there’s more intention behind the  movement. You can either pan your camera horizontally, as here, or  vertically. Trees with very straight, light-coloured  trunks are ideal  for vertical panning. 

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