Photography - Small butterfly

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Greetings Happy and prosperous

Salam Bahagia dan sejahtera


This time I would like to share with you some of the beauty of the butterfly macro photo. The butterfly was found when I was in the garden in the morning. I was lucky to have taken some pictures because these types of insects move easily and fly when humans approach them.

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi dengan Anda beberapa keindahan foto makro kupu-kupu. kupu-kupu ini ditemukan saat saya di kebun di pagi hari. Saya beruntung telah mengambil beberapa gambar karena jenis serangga ini mudah bergerak dan terbang saat manusia mendekatinya.




All images are taken using a smartphone camera. Cloudy weather affects the clarity of shooting results and affects the focus and detail of the object.
I hope you can enjoy and love it.

Semua gambar diambil menggunakan kamera smartphone. Cuaca mendung mempengaruhi kejernihan hasil memotret dan memengaruhi fokus dan detail objek.
Saya harap Anda bisa menikmati dan menyukainya.

Thanks for seeing and reading this simple post.

Terima kasih telah melihat dan membaca posting sederhana ini.

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