So I'm not the only one creative.

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

"The chaseit brothers"


Every single work I did in my spare time, I did with help of my brother. Sometimes he is an actor in my short movies, sometimes he plays as an extra. Sometimes he helps with all the equipement I need, and he always help with fine tuning of my ideas. I can count on him. We can understand each other without any words.


My brother started just like me. With passion but without any knowledge. I wanted to work as a filmographer, and he wanted to be photographer. We both spent hours on tutorials and online lessons because we didn't go to any school which would cover those subjects. He practiced photoshoot lighting methods, I learned vfx compositing. We both spent time doing what we like even though we weren't working in the profession yet.


It's not easy to earn money as a photographer in Poland. It's kinda exclusive club. But noone said it's prohibited to do it in your after work hours. After a few years of chasing our passions we kinda found our place. I became vfx artist and my brother became photo retoucher. From time to time we both find a few moments to do what we like the most. He grabs his old Nikon, and sets up some lighting studio and I find some time to film my crazy ideas with his help. Today I'd like to show you his work. Just have a look :) I hope you like it.





PS: You can see more of his photos on his website:

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loving foto's i hope your olso like some of my art

Very tasteful stuff!