Title: Lucid Dreams of Madi #1
Series Name: Underwater with Madison (1 of 4)
Date of Photography: March 20th , 2016
Pixel Size: 5488x3920
Artwork minted on and available to buy via Rarible
OpenSea Link: https://opensea.io/assets/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5/228645
This piece is from my greater collection of work “Ethereal, Mythical and Mystical Creatures” which has been an ongoing personal creative project since 2013. The majority of pieces in this collection experiment techniques around underwater and/or ultraviolet light using photography then brought into Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to create the finished piece.
All pieces in this body of work will be minted as single editions meaning only one of each photo of each set of shoots from this collection/body of work will be uploaded to the block chain as an NFT. In short “once of kind” NFT.
Verified Artist on Rarible. Can check out my link via https://rarible.com/chrisdavidphoto
Can also check out my work via these links
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/chrisdavidphoto
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisDavidPhotography
website: http://www.chrisdavidphotography.com.au