I don't want to work

in photography •  7 years ago 

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Haha. Everyone is same about work.

Wow! you are looking so chill.

When it comes to job, everyone becomes lazy.

Looks like you are very hard working person.

This is so cool. I would also like to be free like that.

Good shot. All gguys chilling.

Where do you work?

This is cool. I like the shot.

Is that allowed in your workspace?

This is a very good shot. I love the way you chill.

Haha! This is looking so funny.

Where do you work in India?

Your specs is going to fall off.

Nice. This is very good shot.

Looks like you are a night owl. Good for you :D

What were you thinking when you fell asleep?

Where do you guys chill generally?

Coffee is the best thing to have when you feel sleepy

Is that your office? No shoes? Looks pretty open

That bean bag may not be good for your health. It may be comfortable but bot good.

Awesome times ahead. Love the shot.

This is an Amazing memory. Keep collecting.

This is amazing man. I like it.

I like the post.

You need a trip man. I like i.t

This is amazing man.

great work man. I like i.t

You look sleepy dude.

Perfect shot man. I like i.t

This is so cool man .I Like it.

Keep sharing man, we love you.

Amazing dude.I like the post.

This is very good man.

I like the post. Keep it up and keep sharing.

Amazing dude.

Good night man.

Why... your funny. Good styl

cause your money at work ??

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment