Starfruit tree

in photography •  8 years ago 

Starfruit tree part of the real description of soil fertility in aceh ...

Starfruit vegetables, starfruit acid, belimbing ungkot (limeng fish) is a kind of small tree growing freely throughout the archipelago. In Aceh language this plant has a variety of names, including; Limeng, Limeng ungkot, seulimeng, selimeng sunti, selimeng acid, selemeng (Gayo), and balimbiang (South Aceh).
In Aceh, the Selimeng Sunti plant is grown as a fruit tree and sometimes grows wild in the wilderness. Its acidic fruits are used as cooking spices and other culinary mixtures. So far, no farmers have found intensive cultivation, even though the taste Acid has a remarkable economic value.

In some of the areas we searched for, in sunti acid prices markets reached 20,000 per kilo sometimes more. In neighboring Malaysia, in 1 kg of acid fruits valued at RM20 or 20 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

In Latin Latin star belimbing acid Averrhoa bilimbi L. Belimbing.Selain grow in Aceh, also breed and grow in some other countries like Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Quoting wikipedia, this plant is estimated to come from the Maluku Islands.Used to be planted in Yard of the resident's house to be taken its fruit. Its sour fruit taste is used as a cooking herb and mixture of herbal medicine.

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Very beautiful photography
Starfruit tree is looking fantastic

love this fruit!

i do not like the taste of starfruit but by the way great camera work

Kaleuh lon vote bg saleh .@

amazing star fruit it master teacher where it is picture???