Black & White or Colour which do you Prefer?

in photography •  7 years ago 

Sulphur Mountain to left and Sundance Peak to the right. Some of the awesome views to be seen in Banff National Park. On this one I’m going with the black & white, how about you?



ISO 100 ~ f/5 ~ 1/1,600 sec


Camera: Sony A7R III

Lens: Zeiss 55mm





Thanks to @papa-pepper for creating these logos!

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Black and white.
Because it's reminds me of winter, and I'm a winter fan. :D
And, of course if we look the contrast of white and black, in this case, snow and forest. Mountain lines are just amazing...

  • amateur had to say xD

That makes total sense to me, thanks for looking!

Amazing shots!


Welcome friend!

Balck & white & amazing clicks man!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @spyder896

I like the black & White. Highlights best contrast, lines and forms. Nice photo

Thanks for looking @yaleal!

I’m with you on this one, B&W.

Great minds think alike!

The colors are nice to look upon. Usually I discard them when they bring me nothing, when there is no point in having colors. If they are not in harmony or the reason for the image was something else like the action or just the highlights and shades, the contrast and shapes... They are good here, also and B&W woks, I agree. Still the colors have a soothing effect, they are soft and pleasant.

I can see that, and thanks for your comment @manoldonchev!

Black & white 👌
