The beauty of nature at the end of Borneo

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


Camar Bulan,Temajuk,Paloh,Tanjung Datok,Tapal Batas

Village Temajuk indonesia, Paradise buried tour Maybe lately we often hear the names of some places. Well, these names are very familiar to the Indonesian people and re-grow our nationalism spirit, when the news in the media about the border polemic in the area. However, I set aside the polemic, and I want to share a story about a hidden "paradise", a tourism potential situated on the tail of Borneo island, a haven for nature lovers, and a haven for the moment hunters.

This village is administratively located in the district of Paloh, Sambas district, West Kalimantan. It has a very long coastline (about +/- 60km) stretching across the coast to Temajuk village. To reach this village is not easy. From Singkawang City (where I live), it takes about 6 hours travel time by motor vehicle, with a distance of about 200 km. From Singkawang City to Sambas, then take the path leading to Kartiasa. Asphalt road conditions and travel is still easy to go. Arriving at Kartiasa, we crossed the river using ferry crossing (KMP.Semah) with the goal of Kalong Bay, with tariff Rp.5000, - per motor. Arriving on the other side, we continue the journey towards Paloh. The road condition is still good and paved, up to Liku village. Starting from Liku Village, the road condition is slightly damaged (asphalt paved road) to Setingga village. After the village of Setingga, then pass through the village of Merbau, and up the River Chopsticks. Once again we have to cross the river by using a 2PK motorized boat, at a rate of Rp 10,000, - each motorbike to the village of Ciremai.


From the village of Ciremai, the journey is not far away, the distance is still about 50 km. However, it is from here that the heavy journey begins. Asphalt road conditions are damaged until the intersection belacan river. From the Belacan River, the road starts a little bit well, there has started pavement roads as wide as 6 meters along +/- 25 km. Well, the end of this yellow land path is we will meet the path of 'hell'. Distance to Temajuk Village is near, only about 10 km away. But 10 kilometers is to be accomplished with a pretty heavy struggle, namely the loose sandy terrain, which can make us fall if we are not ready & extra careful in driving. Actually, if we already know the condition of the field, we can use the alternative path using the coastal path, which is driving on the beach. This coastal line we can take from Tanjung Bendera, there is a cement road to the beach, before the end of the dirt road. And to get through this coastal edge, we must know the tides of the beach, and we can ask the people we meet on the road, if the sea water is receding, we can pass it, but if the tide, do not try to pass beach if you do not want to get stuck.

Welcome Temajuk ... .Welcome to Temajuk ... ..

The end of the journey, the end of exhaustion, the end of despair, finally paid off when it came to the village of Camar Bulan, Temajuk Village. Friendly locals, warmly welcome with a smile, and of course a beautiful panorama ready to pamper. For lodging we can use a villa, Pondok Wisata Teluk Atong Bahari, which is managed by Mr. Atong, one of the tourism activists in desperate Temajuk. Simply by asking the residents, then you with his own will be guided to this location, because the road to this location is very easy to take. How about eating ... ??? You do not need to worry, because there are some food stalls that provide a typical beach menu with a very affordable price. For communication, you do not have to worry, because there is already a tower service provider from Telkomsel in this village. For electricity, you also need not worry, because almost every house has a generator set for power plant here (electricity from the State has not yet entered this village). To get around this village, you can use the services of Mr. Atong, and he is ready to take you to every corner of tourist attractions in the village Temajuk. Unprecedented coastal conditions, with exotic tidal beaches, sprawling white sand, beautiful granite boulders, and exotic rock granite rocks stretching out to Cape Datuk, spoiling every eye that visits there. You can also enjoy underwater scenery by snorkel in Atong Bay. Granite rocks from small to very large can be found at Batu Pipih location, not far from Atong Bay Resort. You can also enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of his sunset on the long dock that is in the hamlet of Camar Bulan. Especially for me, this is a paradise. A beautiful paradise to be captured in a picture, an exotic paradise to dig in the beauty of every corner of the panorama. Heaven that will be the mandatory agenda on the visit list. A paradise that offers a natural beauty, though it must take the path of 'hell' to find it. Hopefully this village can be one of the coastal tourist destinations, which of course must be supported with the infrastructure & access road that is feasible, where you & your family can easily vacation at Temajuk beach. Finally, come to Temajuk & enjoy the panoramic beauty of Temajuk beach.





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