Hope all are safe in the aftermath of HARVEY...

in photography •  7 years ago 


Hello Folks and Fellow Steamians...
Today is a historic day in that there is a major storm going on where I am from. Harvey has been really dumping some rain here.
But I wanted to write an just say that my thoughts are with you my friends.

Livin' in the south you have to expect to get hit by storms but you would never expect one that has produced so much rain.

We will be getting the tail end of the deluge but still a lot of water coming down.! As you can see below we are no stranger to storms.

But hopefully this one will be over soon and we can go back to drying out and rebuilding.

This was a pic from a tornado that hit my house in october 2012.

Anyway this is just a post to get my feet wet and start my steem journey.

More to follow.


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