in photography •  9 years ago 

In 1987, a David Glashin lost on the stock exchange 6.5 million and decided to go on a secluded island. In 1993, he moved with his girlfriend on Restoration Island in Australia, but the companion did not liking insular life, and she threw David on the island, taking their young son.

The life of a recluse taught to be self-sufficient, David grows vegetables he even makes his own beer.David is still trading shares on the Internet.

On the island there is the Internet. Its quality and speed, of course, is another question, but nonetheless. David uses a computer, powered by solar energy. He goes online mainly to check the Dating site on which he left a request that is looking for his "Friday" for life on a secluded island. He even sent a photo of my mannequin girls to understand his desperate situation. Many people have responded, but none dared to join him, so David is still alone.

David grows vegetables, brews beer and catch fish and crabs. Periodically visit the crews of passing ships. His only constant companion remains faithful dog.

The Australian Government has passed the Gashin this island "rent" on the condition that he would build there a place for tourists. But David did not build, the authorities want him to be moved out of this paradise in an area of 1.52 hectares.

"Sometimes it gets lonely here - recognizes Gashin and then jokingly adds: - It is hoped that the shore throw some mermaid".

Authorities are trying to evict David from the island since 2000, and with a sinking heart, he says that he has no idea what will be engaged if it is still succeed.

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this is really sad

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

How did you find him?