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This is not photography and should not be posted in the photography catagory .

This video has been circulating for years. Why is this getting paid out so high in comparison to original content? Not griping, I just genuinely do not understand.

Why the heck is this being upvoted ???!!! I thought Steemit is all about original content

I have the same question in my mind?

its because blocktrades a steemit whale upvoted it.

Aww, wants it's mother. You are now the mama.

it's cute


Amazing how nature works! You are a hero indeed! Great video!

Thanks for a great hero story and saving a life, very rewarding.

куда ты загружаешь картинки такого веса?
дай пожалуйста ссылку

не, не. я знаю этот сервис. я о том на какой хостинг заливаешь прежде чем размещаешь?

спасибки :)