How To Revive Your Old Grainy Photographs For Beginners

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

My Introduction And First Photo Editing Tutorial Ever!

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Well, I can only think of one reason why I am here. I want to share my passion for photography, photo editing and photo manipulation.... I find joy in making precious memories look as precious as they felt and I've always had a passion for art. When I was a child I loved to color in my coloring books. I had a ton of coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, and markers. I took them everywhere with me. Now that I'm grown up I still have that passion for color and Art. So when I discovered photography it wasn't that far of a stretch to transition into photo editing and photo manipulation. After all what is photo editing? Its photo coloring... I mean if you take a photograph these days and the colors are dull or the sky is washed out all you have to do is upload it in your favorite software and make a few changes. So, for me photo editing and photo manipulation is my new passion and I love it! I get to create something beautiful that I will remember always.

I only just recently discovered steemit. I ran across a random video on youtube by @JerryBanfield even though he's not in my niche. His enthusiastic video about Steemit peeked my interest. So I checked it out and I'm really glad that I did. It got me to thinking what can I put on there? I'm not a writer, and I'm not a professional photographer. I don't travel the globe with an expensive DSLR, although I would love to do that who wouldn't. I'm just a normal person like everyone else who would like to share something I love. So I thought I would share how I edit my photographs. If your reading this come and checkout my tutorials so maybe they can help you create the precious memories that you can cherish always.

You don't need to be a photo editing genius to learn how to make your photographs beautiful. I will show you step by step what I do to create beautiful memories. As you can see above I have included my first tutorial ever... Actually this is going to be a two part tutorial series with two different software's so you have a choice. They are both just basic introduction tutorials for beginners on how I make my old film photographs that I scanned look better. I'm going to use a photograph that I took about 17 years ago with a canon rebel SLR film camera. Unfortunately, some dummy aka me lost the negative after I had the 4x6 print made. Of course I really loved this photograph so I scanned it, when I decided to go all digital. However, the scanner I used back when I scanned it was not that good. So the image is really grainy to say the least. In part 1 of this tutorial series I'm going to show you step by step in a short easy video with Photoshop CS6 how I smoothed out the grain a bit. In part 2 of this series I will show you step by step how to use a new software I just bought called Luminar 2018 in a screenshot style tutorial. Both software's did a good job for what they had to work with, however in my opinion Luminar 2018 definitely did a better job. You will see in part 2 I have two magnified screenshots so you can compare the difference for yourself. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope to make a lot more. Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow.

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