RE: Caracas Sphere by kinematic artist Jesús Soto

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Caracas Sphere by kinematic artist Jesús Soto

in photography •  7 years ago 

Thank you. Pretty smart from your side comment and not upvoting...

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Haha, if you upvote posts that are old, you lose reputation points regardless of how good the content is, I only your post 5 hours after you posted it, but I wanted to tell you that I thought it was a great post so I commented. I followed you after I saw this post because I really liked your work, and I recently upvoted your latest post about your roadtrip as it was new and I thought the content was also fantastic! But I dont think telling me in your reply that I did not upvote is necessary, we are all here to help each other make it big on this platform! I look forward to seeing more of your work as you post it, and I hope you check out some of my blogs too :)

Hey! Didn't know that of the 5 hours after, my apologize my friend. Thank you also for the upvote and follow :) Keep in touch to see upcoming work from your part! Cheers from Barcelona amigo!