I Need Help With my Orchid

in photography •  7 years ago 


This is a photograph of my orchid from March 2016. Now it has to bloom again but there is something wrong with it. The buds, the two biggest, started to fade before opening.

I'm watering it according to the instructions, putting it in water once a week for 10 min. It has plenty of light. I have no idea what's wrong with it.

Anyone? Any idea? Any tips?

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Did you move to a different spot before the flowers opened? If you did they could get stressed and blasted. Nothing you can do about it now.

None of the buds are open and yes, when the buds were big enough I moved the flower to another room.

So that could stress the plant. Change of light, temperature... anything and they blast.
If you want to move you should do it before the buds form, or after they all open.

I'm starting to believe that she got sick because I got sick 😞


Maybe @haphazard-hstead can help you

Lehet, hogy a víz minősége nem megfelelő (pl. klóros, vagy vasas, meszes). De nem biztos, hogy csak fizikai szinten van gond. Beszélgess a virággal. szeretgesd meg (persze ne fizikailag öleld meg, hanem gondolatban alkoss köré arany fényburkot). Kérdezd meg tőle, mi a baja, és megadja a választ. Csak belülre kell figyelni.

The quality of the water may be inadequate (eg chlorine or iron, calcareous). But it is not certain that there is only a physical problem. Talk to the flower, love her, and ask her what is the problem, and she'll answer. To hear the answer you need to look inside.

Thank you @kalemandra. I hope she is still ok and will bloom. I'll do what you suggested.