Every step stops you with a teaching!

in photography •  7 years ago 


Have you ever imagined that stairs can be formed with chairs?

That a step can be a time to sit down and think?

Seeing it from this point of view and seeing this beautiful work made in the "Castello Sforzesco" Park in Milano, I reflect on life ...

Every moment of our life has an obstacle to overcome, and in turn each obstacle leaves us a teaching ... it is up to each of us to decide, if we want to climb those stairs by knocking down the chairs or understanding and assimilating each of the teachings that they they leave us ... yes ... remember that later ... you can not go back because you will not have that chair in the same place ...

Take advantage of every moment,
The present
that is eternal and perfect
And live life to the fullest!

Remember that ... each step stops you with a teaching!

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Beautiful picture :)

Thank toy very much!!! I love the photography!!!