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Oh! Oh! Oh! Is spring getting your sweeter side to the surface? (if spring ever begins earlier than June where you live - hahahahaha!)

Haha it’s kind of spring but still snow on the ground. I was excited because the sun peeked out the first time in almost two weeks.

I miss this when I don't log into @steemit

Well then you shouldn't log out ;)

@eveuncovered is very talented and beautiful.

@eveuncovered thanks you very much!

I must say, something about the workflow is streamlined, whether you're finding it more enjoyable or easier these days, I can't tell, but it's coming across in the quality of photos. Steady on, Eve. I like it.

I'm not sure if it's any easier, but I think I'm always learning more and getting better, at least that is what I try to do. Thank you so much kiddo!

You really do such a good job of self portraits. Not sure how you get the camera angles so good by yourself, but well done you @eveuncovered

Thank you Donna! My camera is on a tripod and I try like a million different sports for it to get some nice angles :)

Very much yes!

Dam a cheeky smile, made me blush 💯🐒