Follow the Tracks

in photography •  7 years ago 


I don't know where my mind is because I thought I already posted these pictures last week, but just realised I didn't as I was going through my own feed.

These are from last Friday night when I was visiting my sister and she showed me these train tracks she had found a little while ago. I wonder if this is the same railroad where I was earlier that day, just some 150 kilometres away.

These pictures are quite grainy because it was actually pretty dark in there and I had to push the ISO pretty high, and also use a low f-stop to get as much light, and of course I was shooting without a tripod.

Shot with the Nikon D7200 and Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8.




Would you follow her?

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Hello darkness my old friend :D

"To hell and back I would!" Dr. Zoidbergin äänellä... xD Hienoja kuvia, taas kerran.

Mitäs jos minä ja sisko kävellään eri suuntiin, kumpaa lähtisit seuraamaan? 😝😝

xDD No sua :*

Kiss ass... ;)

Pitkäaikaisempi stalkkauksen kohde vaan... Eiku! Ja kyllä sitä pyllyä pussais kans ;D

No mut sehän on sit jo ihan last season. Itse vaihtaisin nuorempaan! :D

Hahahaha, ei kai sitä semmosta :P

What a beautiful view!
I would follow these tracks just for the forest!

What a beautiful
View! I would follow these tracks
Just for the forest!

                 - angloexplorer

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

weird and scary place to be in to.

Lol, not really, just old train tracks in the nature :D

That's an awesome location. You should definitely make plans to return when there is some good sunlight.

excellent images, from the house of my sister I can also see the train tracks, but the train does not pass by there, it did not anymore.

You are nuts. I wouldn't follow that. The one good thing is you won't get lost as you can follow the tracks back.

Nuts, how so? :D

Which I obviously am but how would you know 😈

A fellow nutter can spot another one a mile off.

Amazingly scary
Beautiful photography

Nuorempi versio käy mulle aina...mmmhm.

Trust me @eveuncovered, this scared me. I'd follow her based on the fact that she would secure me!

You guys seem to be easily scared 😅 Wonder how good I could scare you if I really tried 😈

Lol 😁

Not too grainy, I think. But then again this is a computer screen and everyone's is different.
As for your sister, yeah, I'd follow her. But you did tell me she was scary. I'm stupid that way.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica

Beautiful photography! Where is it? Looks like a good place to explore. Best Wishes!