It's Been a Motherfucker of a Day!

in photography •  5 years ago 


Shot with the Nikon D750 and Sigma 85mm f/1.4, modelled by my friend Sebastian, who styled himself very well, shot in an English style pub (in Finland).





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That's what you call real BAD ASS shots! Greatly done girl! :) <3

Easy when you got a bad ass to shoot :P Thanks!

You took those photos, no one else did take em. They look great! <3

Storytelling at its finest.

Thank you very much<3

Dirty ass mouth 😂😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

You talking about my mouth!?

Total Boss Mode!!!! Lovin' the fantastic monochrome tones and mood.

Easy to shoot boss images when you are shooting a man who dresses like one :P

These are, again, insanely good. My favorite is the second last. The blurry hand. :)

Thank you! That fave photo of yours, was something I almost discarded in camera, so glad I didn't. When I opened it up on the laptop, I saw that little glimmer of light hitting the eye and I knew the image would work.

This teaches you that you have to reduce the amount of photos you discard right away without seeing it from a bigger screen. I've learned that I almost never should download my photos from the camera because when my photos are viewed from bigger screen, some entity has made them crap. It was fine as a small photo, bad when large. Not my fault obviously. Do not know what happens. A photo crapping virus perhaps. You don't seem to have that.

I like these a lot, the pictures almost give me chills, because Sebastian looks like he's part of the Finnish mafia or something. xD

If there would be a Finnish mafia, he would be running it!