RE: Joker's Self Care Sunday

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Joker's Self Care Sunday

in photography •  5 years ago 

Nothing that would have the same exact meaning, none that I can thing of any at least. I love knowing two very different languages, never a dull day when communicating in either one, though sometimes infuriating when there are literally no way to translate something so it would have exactly the same meaning.

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OK, well legit it is then.

I blame you anyway...You keep posting legit-worthy things! If you start posting shit I'll not type legit. Maybe...Leshit! The commonly-accepted opposite of Legit. Lol.


I like it, you are very creative!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


I mean, yes I am. Lol.

Edit: Ah fuck it...Legit! :)


Is it supposed to be pronounced like a French speaking person would pronounce it? Le Shit? :D

Good point. I had it pronounced (in my head) in the same way a person would say legit I guess, but nothing wrong with frenchy-fying it right? 😁

This is how I imagined it to be pronounced!

OMG you broke the comments!!! LeShit!!!! LMAO
This is what engagement is.

😉 I have moments of brilliance - My invention of the word leshit is one such moment. 😂

"You're welcome world."

[Mike drop, I'm out.]

That’s all got!!
LeShit... is that French?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hmm, no I think not. It just came to me in a moment of unadulterated, pure and simple brilliance. Happens sometimes.

On a rare occasion here but I like to give credit where it is due. 👍🏿

Cheers mate, rarely I'm given credit, so am happy to take it anyway I can. :)