Orlando's I-Drive on Acid

in photography •  7 years ago 

Here's my favorite kind of photography. 30" Shutter with a small Fstop. I think I am at F22 on this.

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I've been on acid and that's a pretty good representation.

Thats so funny! Only have done mushrooms. But, I love psychedelic photography. People sometimes ask me, "What the fuck are you doing?" (seriously they say that). It's because sometimes when I have my still camera, I will snap at a 30" shutter, and start waving my camera around. But, this shot was while I was the passenger in a rag top Camaro a friend of mine rented when we were in Orlando. He pretty much drove like he was on acid. But, we were really just drunk. I was amazed he didn't get pulled over. And the whole thing reminded me of Fear and Loathing in Lass Vegas. But, being in Orlando my name for the series is: Orlando on Acid.

Too bad you cannot get Mushrooms from farmer's fields anymore. There is an anti-fungal agent pumped into cows now that kill the spoors. Total Nazi Monsanto move! But, Fly Amantia grows around here. And they can't anti-fungal everything!

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