Octopus in Hawaii - Scuba Diving Photography Blog

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

During a dive in Hawaii a dive master decided to play with an octopus.

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Personally i say don't touch the wildlife and many will agree, but this guy thought it was fun to play with the octopus every day, and certainly the pictures are quite amazing.

At first the octopus was a little shocked and did what octopus do when they feel threatened, he let out a few big clouds of black ink.

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Then he proceeded to fairly gently play with the octopus.

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Finally he gets away!

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and the dive instructor is left with nothing!

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That looks like one delicious octopus.

Would you like fries with that?

Wow! I love this!!! Thanks for sharing this great piece. Upvoted and followed. Bless.

Thanks for the feedback and the follow. Today i posted a picture of a Vulture i took while on safari. I hope you like it also.

Poor octopus barely escaped ... :)

The trick is.... if you ever find yourself with an octopus that needs controlling.... if you put your hand over the top of their head they basically can't get away, as they can only move in the direction of their head.

Good information--just in case I need to know that someday!

Awesome post!

Thank you so much for the feedback. Follow me for more photo blogs, i have over 40,000 photographs from all around the world. I just did a blog post on Cairo, Egypt.

Octopus are amazing creatures. Love the pics.

Thank you.

What a beautiful octopus, it has inspired my word of the day post https://steemit.com/art/@opheliafu/my-word-of-the-day-cephalopod .

I am so happy that my photographs brought inspiration.

In Chile we call that "Pulpo." Great pics - STEEM ON !

I am glad you enjoyed them.

Great shots again!

Thank you. Apart from friends of mine, nobody has ever seen these pictures. It's nice to share them and be rewarded at the same time. Actually quite an honor.

Amazing shots.

Thank you very much.

Interesting dive and beautiful pics

Follow me for more diving blogs i have dozens of sets of pics to post over the coming months.

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