Mont Saint-Michel Day & Night, Monastery & Fortress

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

I visited Normandy, France's secluded Mont Saint-Michel today.

And I visited Mont Saint-Michel tonight.

Notice the difference other than the sky?

The famous monastery more closely resembles the fortified island that it is when the tide is high. During the day, visitors such as myself walk around in the vast sand and mud surrounding Mont Saint-Michel. But try doing that during high tide and you will be swimming, if not drowning.

More to come from this weekend trip to Normandy. Stay tuned...

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Very beautiful shots.

Thank you!

Cool photos and thank you for the links. Mont Saint Michel is on my list of places to visit when I go back to France.

Thank you and you're welcome. Mont Saint Michel is well worth a visit. Leave yourself some time so you can explore on and off the island. Are you a traveling libertarian from California? I am now following you.

I do travel as often as I can. I'm new to Steemit so I will be posting a lot more. My last post highlights some recent trips though. Appreciate the follow!

Very cool, Josh. More pictures, please!

Thank you Brent. I need to get some rest now. Will be producing more footage from Normandy tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing it.

This place has been on my list for a while. Gotta get there. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Upvoted and resteemed!

Thank you! It's very beautiful. And the setting with the sand and the tide is quite unique. Great place for photography.

I recently saw a short video on Mont Saint-Michel and it was fascinating. I also have an Instagram follower that seems quite enamored with the place...I could think of worse obsessions. Keep up the good work, Josh.

Thanks Sam