Aurora Borealis

in photography •  7 years ago 

Magic. Enchanted lights crawling through the sky. Nice scenery. Makes for a good object to hunt? Yes. And a lot hunt for aurora. The elusive light in the sky.

So this happened to me one night. I was on my way to my parents. I think it was Christmass. And then the sky lit up. Since I had my camera with me, it was just to stop and fire away.

No, no. Not that easy.

Gratangen 2.png

Headlights, stupid! I have seen piles of snow before!

I switch the lights off and aim again, resting the housing on the roof of my car.

Gratangen 3.png

Nah! Slightly better. At least not the frikken pile of snow. Too bad the shape of the lights changed drastically and got more blured.

At about that point the 20 degrees minus (that's Celsius minus!) has started shaking so much I can hardly find the buttons on the cannon.

And I do one more attempt, freezing and the steady shake of the engine breathing for more of the freezing air. And I fire one more round. And sure enough, I can't hold the camera still:

Gratangen 1.png

And yes. I like it the best out of the three. But as art. It's blurred, it's grainy and all. Heavily manipulated too.

So no, it's not that easy to catch Aurora. It is waiting. It is all about light sesitive optics/sensor.

And patience. Lots and lots of patience. Probably why I have very few attempts to capture her. Aurora.

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That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.

I saw aurora only once in my life. It was a few years ago. My spouse took the rubbish out and noticed that the sky looked weird and greenish. We went to a nearby forest to see it from the top of the hill. It was stunning.

I didn't take any pictures. I am not sure that they would come out and I wanted to just enjoy the experience. I hope to be able to photograph it next time I get e chance.

I use an app on my phone that tells me when Aurora is likely to happen but I had no luck with it so far.

You would have more luck up here. As long as there is a clear, cold sky, it is a good chance to catch her.

I grew up with the sneaking lights crawling over the mountain tops. It's normal. And it astonishes me to see the amount of tourists coming to catch a glimpse of the elusive lady.

Oh I was on Iceland two weeks ago and i didnt saw lights so right now i am truely jealous haha it is amazing adventure find it on real ....hope i will see it in my life in the future....i must visit Laponia in winter time.

You can come here. It's out of season now, but from october – April should be good.

Excellent post good article and photography dear @funkit

Very nice informative post funkit.

funkit very nice photography & post.

Really ur truly genius...😊