Birds: Kuovi :: Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


Last Sunday, when we were visiting Pietarsaari, having already fetched Ninnu from her breeder, we noticed these two beautiful birds flying in to the nearby field. So while they were there, I stopped the car and went for my camera.

Funny beaks

They were a bit too far for me to get large scale photos, but at least we can see them from this photo. And there were two of them, both looking at the same direction. I think that was cool.

I'll post an OPED photo soon and then take a rest... I'm so beat.

I am wrestling with a huge disappointment today and I almost didn't want to take any photos, and pretty much wanted to call the whole thing off because of what happened today at Miro's school consultation meeting. They basically told me that I would have to find him a place at some other school as they don't have resources for dealing with his particular eccentricities.

It was so close I almost couldn't keep my anger at bay. Now I just fear I can't sleep.

Anyway, I hope you liked the photo.

[Previous post: The Orimattila Domestic Animal Farm]

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It's not a huge problem, there is always a solution.
Breathe in and breathe out - you will find an answer. You can always hire a home teacher, you don't have problems with finances.

I really don't think I'm that rich yet. :-/

I think you should keep all options open at this stage. I don't mean hiring a private tutor but keeping in mind the fact that Lahti is only 30 minutes or so from the northeastern edge of Helsinki Urban Area. There might be suitable schools for kids with autism spectrum disorder in the capital region. You might have to move - but not far - if Lahti is unable to provide a satisfactory solution.

The city of Helsinki has 660,000 inhabitants. There's some information on how comprehensive school education has been arranged for autism spectrum kids in Helsinki:

Hi gamer. Stressful. That is not fun. I would be cross as well. Do what is best for Miro as he has to be happy.

Hello friend, I really liked the photo as such, maybe it is not the best in sharpness or quality but I love the landscape and how the photo is. I would have liked you not to cut the small house in the back ... and how badly I look at it, I encourage that everything happens for a reason. and God always has good things for us. Think cold and you will find answers. regards

I would have liked you not to cut the small house in the back

Me too, but as I was focusing for the birds (that were constantly walking around), it was kind of difficult. I know it's not an excuse. ;)

If I imagine it. since the main focus of the photo was the birds. and after taking the photo we see each of the elements that complement the photo. Obviously with the practice we learn that and we take it into account in future captures.

I like the photo my friend, the birds look like they were modelling for you

Sorry about that, i know you will figure out something better, dont be weary man, be strong


yup photo is beautiful sir ❤️. don't be stressed everything will be fine soon :)

I don't really know the whole situation but it sound quite an unfair thing.. hope you manage to go through it all.. And as corny as it sounds.. anger isn't really the right way. It is just one of them bad weeks.

Yep, I guess you are right about that anger stuff... But it's really hard sometimes. When there are five people in the room all telling you how your son doesn't fit in with the normal kids. Even when they say they aren't saying that.

This is just poor tutoring.. kids will be kids. I've no idea what he have done but you seem like a person that is a responsible parent and doubt you raised a spoiled kid that can't be controlled in a school environment.. It just sounds to me as a pretty poor action taken by the school.. Back home we have a big problem with kids in schools simply because parents have no idea how to raise them and teach them simple things. For example kids were bailing on a class in 4th grade to go and smoke shisha instead and parents were supporting their kids and not finding a problem in this.. Doubt you have something like that on your hands.

It's not that. @gamer00 has discussed Miro's issues before here.

Oh I maybe have joined later on and didn't know.. sorry for my ignorance on the matter.

It's the two-faced communication that must have angered you. Miro has trouble adjusting because of the autism spectrum disorder he probably has. They could've just come out and said so in the most compassionate tone they could muster instead of trying to weasel out of stating the unfortunate fact that they can't handle him.

I'll leave you a great friend advice: "When you learn to accept rather than wait, you will have less disappointments." Go Ahead, life goes on and Miro is hardly a child.

They are beautiful.

Do try get a rest,
Things will work out. Maybe you can check around for other schools

Today leaving the urbanization where I live there is as a kind of a small stream of what was once a river. but with the passage of time has disappeared there but not as before, and there are always birds that I published but just today when I went to my work I came across some very similar birds only black, tomorrow I will make a post in the daily photo with those birds

Children pass few age levels, and in some levels they seems like what your school called them! But that doesn't mean they are bad. Talk him nicely, don't pressure him more with the anger! I know you have good experiences with dealing with children than I do!
I could remember how my father react on me when he got very bad news about my behaviors! He never punished me, he scold sometimes, but after all he gave me good memories which are still help me to keep my path better!
After all this is a great photography! You must sleep now Jaro!


I think you got me wrong. I wasn't upset at Miro, I was feeling anger toward the school officials.

Thanks for the encouragement though. I respect it.

Yeah I got it wrong! I took it as you thought! Yeah I also feel angry with school officials! They must understand Miro is just a child!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The photo you took look nice and cool, sorry for what happen at miro school am glad you control your temper. Just take it easy and look for another school for him. God knows best @gamer00

Thanks a lot for sharing this your valuable post and I appreciate your post..and this photography just mind blowing and actually photography is my best passion.. carry on your activities..

Wow !!
What a great Your viewing is appreciated. What is a natural thing that has outlined in a strange way through your photography. Really unthinkable Continue with .. and thank you for sharing...

Well that sure is better than nothing ;)

While liked the shot as I must say :)

The bids looks really amazing, i love birds ,they make me feel good.
Always enjoy your pictures.

Beautiful birds.

To be so far away is very interesting photo but that hut in the background is kind of creepy, don't worry some other school can be cool, new friends and new environment, a change can sometimes be very good.

The birds were far away, I almost did not notice them!

Not very good news about the school! They are not doing their job properly! I hope you did get some rest!
I don’t think that they had the authority to make decision on that ground about a child!
But you might find a better and more understanding school nearby. The boy needs to feel comfortable at his school too.
Good luck.

@gamer00 - Sir Miro is a child... Sometimes now he also suffering from his mistakes... Give him more time... He'll adopt... To reduce the stress, it's good to see you with a camera on hand... Beautiful photography Sir...
