Pink Oleander - Petals' Pink Flower Day Contest Entry

in photography •  7 years ago 



Hey Steemers!

I am back with an entry for Petals #pinkflowerday contest. The oleander bushes around the garden are blooming wonderfully as you can see, making them an easy choice for this week's pink flower!

I hope you like these photos and if you have any flower photos of your own, try entering them in Petals' contest! They have a few different categories that cover pretty much any and all flowers.


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Finally another post! These are pretty little flowers!

However I'm looking forward to another article about gardening progress :)

Hey @delishtreats! I am flattered that you are looking forward to seeing more of my garden. I will be posting more garden updates in the coming days :)

Wow what beautiful blooms. The different shades of pink are just dreamy!!! Wonderfully captured too. Good luck in the competition. I know you have already won it more than once Really looking forward to your next gardening update to see how your young plants are coming along.👏👏👏👏👏👏

Thanks @sallybeth23!! Glad you liked the photos.

New garden updates will be coming very soon :)

Hello GC!
Wow ... what beautiful delicate petals - beautifully captured!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Happy you liked the photos @icedrum. Thank you very much for your continued support! :D

beautiful flowers

They sure are! Thanks for your comment :)

You are mostly welcome.

Wow! it looks amazing. but I think it would be much beautiful if the photo was taken in more light (sunlight) or in the morning time. It's just my opinion, I'm not a photographer.
Well, thanks for your work. I appreciate it. Keep it up.

Thanks for your feedback @shahinkhanbd.
Throughout my years as a photographer I have discovered that I prefer shooting photographs out of direct sunlight. It depends on the subject and time of day, but you would be surprised at how many good photos can be captured when it is overcast/cloudy.

love these pink flowers

Glad you like them!

Beautiful flowers

They are indeed!!