SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #6; 3 photos...Baxter State Park, Banff National Park, and Rincon, PR

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

All photos taken with old iphone and edited here on my computer. Alas, I did edit this post - I replaced photo 2 with a much better photo. I figure that's okay since we are still way before the deadline.

Photo1 is a panoramic view from Mt. Katadhin's Cathedral Trail in Baxter State Park with the Knife Edge to the right and Chimney Pond below. This was taken 2 summers ago to the day on my husband's and my anniversary :-)

Photo 2 is from Mirror Lake by the tea house above Lake Louise in Banff National Park 4 years ago in September. There were so many tourists (in flipflops!). Right after photo we hiked along the sunny side and went up a trail on shady side- yes, there was ice - but I had my hiking sticks and we were soon in the sun, atop the Big Beehive where you can look below to Lake Louise leaving the flipfloppers well below. I have great photos of the view of Lake Louise as well, but alas, a manmade hotel at the bottom ;-)

Photo 3 is sunset view of (seemingly lonely) Desecheo from Rincon, PR. This was taken a couple years ago while drinking a rum concoction on the balcony of a friend's house on the beach.

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Excellent entries, those are some beautiful shots.

thanks! good for an iphone ;-)

Second picture makes me want to put on my hiking boots and head out! Really lovely pictures, thanks for sharing :)

Great shots! I'm especially impressed with the second image, the one of Mirror Lake. There is a lot of dynamic range in that shot as well as it being a very sharp image, especially considering it was shot on an iPhone!

Sometimes when we are out and I leave the good camera behind it's good for me to challenge myself with the iPhone that's in my pocket. Good work @gardenlady!

You know, I think it was my iphone. It is possible that it came from the digital Canon PowerShot SX1. I've gotten so lazy and don't use the Canon much anymore cuz of it's bulk (it's not even that big!) but the iphone is so easy to grab. All the photos got mixed together in a folder on my computer. Anyway, then I edited here on my computer. Either was point and click!!

Well either way, great shot!

Excellent photos @gardenlady. I'll have to take better photos if I want to compete!