If you write it, it will come

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey Steemians!

I decided that I'm going to buy a brand new camera with STEEM! The power of the written word! A little trick I've always used to accomplish goals and wishes. Here I am, sharing it with you!

I came across an article that inspired me. It sparked something in me as any good post should, so I resteemed it. Thanks to @jazminmillion! It was about 5 photographers being introduced to the Steem community. The photos are gorgeous! It made me extremely excited to post some more images on Steem & Can't wait for the day that I can buy a new camera with my rewards!

I currently have a Canon 70D. I love my 70D, and it's taken some great shots. It's captured some really beautiful moments. I will keep the 70D as a backup and will add a full frame camera to my arsenal and getting a few prime lenses. AHHH I cant wait!

photo port-5-X2.jpg

photo port-9-XL.jpg

photo port-2-L.jpg


Jessica & Ronnie-147-X2.jpg


Jessica & Ronnie-493-X2.jpg

So what camera should I get??

I would love a Mark series.. but of course I'm open to suggestions. I would like to stick to Canon. It's what I've always shot with. I started with a 35mm Canon thanks to my photography class in high school. Years later... here I am posting my pro photos on a blockchain platform earning rewards. Now that is what I call progress and technological evolution!

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That is a wonderful idea! Great minds must think alike because I myself was planning on buying a camera with my Steem earnings!

This will be my first camera since taking a college course a few years ago, any suggestions on what I should start with?

I need to do some research on the latest Mark series canon camera. I absolutely love Canon. What do you shoot with now?

Theres some talk that Canon and Nikon will be releasing a mirrorless Full frame camera. I don't know what that would do to the way photos will be taken but I'm sure it will be a serious upgrade. There's so much research to do on the latest model. At this point, why think small? The new DSLR series should be coming out this year in August. I think thats more than enough time to earn some more rewards and get the camera of our dreams!

Right now I am only using my iPhone camera and sometimes my brother will use his phone camera which is much better than mine.
I will definitely do some research on my options! I think I will end up going with a Canon just have to decide which one!

The lenses is what matters most. You want high end prime lenses which won't work to it's full potential if you have a 70D like me. You want a full frame camera. The Mark series.. look into it.

For now, keep playing with your iphone. I've seen some amazing photos taken with Iphone. Then invest in something amazing with your rewards!

Thanks for the advice!! I will look into the Mark series!

It's always good to have goals and wishes! Your photography is really great, I don't know how people can do portraits of people haha I'd feel so awkward! As for your future camera, I currently have a Nikon Coolpix L820 which I know is a downgrade from what you currently have but I'd have to say that I've been impressed with the quality of the product and would recommend looking into Nikon as well! A friend of mine has the Sony a7R II mirrorless and plans on upgrading to the a7R III as they love the camrea!

Superb Photos! Maaan, I wish i could get my own camera! I was thinking of Mirror less camera from Fujifilm, something handy yet quite expensive.

Theres some rumors that Canon is going to release a mirrorless camera in August.. I'm not sure what Mirrorless does but I will be researching to find out if that's something that makes sense for what I will be using the camera for. It sounds like it's going to be a major upgrade going mirrorless though..

Progress indeed! Thank you for sharing your gift and passion, you are very good at this.

Thank you for your kind words!

You are most welcome. I'm now following you. :)

The spirit of prosperity continues to hope you can get what you dreamed of

Thank you and to you as well!

If you want to stick to Canon I cannot help because I'm a Nikon person ;) But from the bottom of my heart I wish you to purchase a new camera sooner than you expect :) Good luck!

Thank You! I have a lot of friends that swear by Nikon.. I've just always known Canon and feel comfortable with it. I would love to play around with a Nikon to see how it feels to shoot with it. I wonder if it can be comparable to Apple and Android lovers... is one better than the other or is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

I think is just a matter of habit.

Android or Iphone?

I can leave without phone :)


thank you!

Photos are great.

thank you! I appreciate the feedback!

I love my canon 5d mkIII. The new one, mkIV is amazing. If you can get that then go for it. Full frame photography will be perfect for what you do.

This is an amazing goal and I’m sure you’ll get there. :)

My best friend has the 5DMK3 and her photos come out great with it! It really is a fantastic camera. I'm going to compare the MKIV to see what the difference is. I can go for the 3 and just spend more money on lenses. Let's see..

The Mark IV is 36 megapixel while the Mark III is around 20 or so (I can't remember right now). There's a big difference between the two bodies so it will really come down to what you are willing to spend.

When I bought my camera it cost about $3500 so it's not cheap by any means. The image quality is fantastic though, especially when paired with a good lens.

I'm definitely not trying to go cheap with it. It's going to be the reward to my self for accomplishing the goal to grow my rewards in Steem! It's going to be an incredible investment. I can continue taking photos of events, and contribute better content for my blog and go full circle, earn more rewards. I'm extremely excited.
Thank you so much for your suggestions. The Mark IV sounds great!

Welcome. I’ll be upgrading at some point too. I’m looking to get a prime lens first though. :)

There you go, your steem challenge. Get yourself your first prime lens with Steem!

Haha, I think the 400mm prime is about $16k.

My first Steem challenge will be a new computer I think :)

That's good too and could be just as pricey depending on what you get..

Beautiful photography keep it up 😉

Thank you! Now with Steem it I can get more creative instead of just photography for events. This community is awesome and is sparking creativity in their users. It's the best feeling to get rewarded for something that you love doing! I will definitely keep it up.

Good for you and im just as excited about steemit i love it. I look forward to seeing more of your photos