in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)

Each time i see the colour green it reminds me of us;
The love we had for each other;
It reminds me of how we both suffered together;
It reminds me of how we were tortured;
It reminds me of how we never had a say, just doing as we were ask to do, so that we will not be eliminated by our tyrant and taskmasters.

I am happy that we escaped this together;
Yes we escaped those tyrant together;
I am happy we scaled through together;
I am happy that we gained our freedom at last;
I am happy that we can now do our things freely no one policing us;
We can move to where ever we want no one restraining us;
We can hold hands together walking on the street of our kingdom no one harassing us because the tyrants are all gone.

But you know what? It pains me that we are now fighting amongst ourself, those tyrant we thought were our problems are now gone;
But what makes us fight now that we are even suppose to live at peace since our tyrant are all gone?
You know why because we fight for position; wanting to be ontop always;
Hating ourselves which Is against the vow we make to each other every passing day.

Please let's change our ways let's go back to our first love;


Let's vote in new leaders into our life's not selfish ones;
Let's not wait for our predecessors to do something before we follow suit;
Let's try something new.
God will help us.

I love you and i guess you know I really care.
God keep you for me.



Let's strive to make Nigeria the best place to be and the best of it kind. You and I are the architect destiny and one of the destiny we are to fufil is to make Nigeria a better place to dwell.

If you and I will not rise up to make a better Nigeria no one will do it for us.

I remain your sister


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This is a great poem.

Thanks for always Stopping by, I really appreciate.

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Happy weekend.

Thanks ma, thanks for stopping by.

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