My old photography: Dear bud

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


This is one of my favorites. Took it back in 2006, with an Acer camera and some Photoshop.

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This took my breath away - I think it's my favorite one yet. Do you sell your work as well? You should really set up a website if you don't have one already! Amazing.

You're too kind :) Naa, I used to be on deviantArt and my work was nothing compared to the folks there, so, never tried ;p I'm a full time web developer right now, don't get much time for photography (I'm also a perfectionist, so it takes a lot of time :P
Thanks so much and for the Steem!

Look at Basquiat - imagine if he compared himself to everyone else? Don't go down that road of comparing yourself. I was really moved by the photo - and showed my boyfriend (who is kinda an art snob ) and he was amazed. It's definitely hard to make time for art when you have to pay rent and eat...but don't give up!

Yup, you're right! Thanks, and to your boyfriend. Really appreciate it :)