Nature means Necessity # 08

in photography •  6 years ago 

The whole of nature is life.

When you hear the word nature, what do you think it is? Do you think it is essential? I trust that nature is everything that was put on this planet whether it is the sustenance we eat, the water we drink, or the wood we use to assemble our homes. Others may think nature is only the seas and the woodlands, however regardless of what you think nature is we as a whole should deal with it since it was given to us. The early pioneers didn't generally consider nature the wellspring of life on the grounds that the nature that they lived with was so immense thus immaculate they never envisioned that what they did to it would hurt it in any capacity. The Indians then again, suspected that everything in nature was of equivalent significance. From the Indians themselves, to the bison and the deer, to the grass they stroll on, to the fish in the ocean, all must live as one all together for the world to be serene.


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