First and foremost experience of photo prawedding abroad

in photography •  7 years ago 

The location of the first season is photo prawedding

My first photo prawedding experience abroad is to malaysia ,, after I studied the area and angle for photo, then need wide lens and enough light ,, but both of these tools I do not have, because of economic limitations to buy the tool ,, then I will be photo prawedding using nikon dslr d7000 camera with 16.140 lens and yunno lamp .. It does not make me despair because experience is very teach me.

The location of both photo prawedding

Where I stand is not very good to produce beautiful photos if we sing a wide lens .. i really hope someday to get there again or to another country, i need friends and friends to support me.

angle to klcc

Hope very friends outside the country who are in steemit can work together to can once call us for photo prawedding abroad ,, thanks to @beanz, @hr1, @liondani, @sweetsssj, @slowwalker.mohon support all of you.

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great post!

Thanks you somuch